
The primary focus of the research performed in the group is to understand the biogeochemical processes that affect the fate of metals in aquatic systems. A special emphasis is to elucidate how the chemical speciation of metals controls their biouptake/bioavailability focusing on microbial species, since microorganisms constitute the foundation of any ecological system. We are conducting field studies, laboratory experiments, and using modeling approaches based on advanced analytical, microscopic, and spectroscopic methods. Our recent activities have been centered on the chemical fate of As, Ni, and Hg in aquatic environments as well as on the environmental impacts of nano-structured materials commonly used in industrial and household applications.

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X-ray Absoprtion Spectroscopy

XAS is often used for assessing the chemical speciation of metals in complex environmental matrices. The approach consists of performing spectral decompositions that rely on the selection of a suite of reference spectra representing the various coordination environments of the metal in the sample. From an experimental perspective, the quality of the data collected (that is the level of noise compared to the number of counts from the selected element) plays an important role in assessing the confidence of the speciation results. We have developed various methods for performing spectral decomposition and selecting appropriate set of reference spectra based on the quantitative assessment of their interdependency.

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Art conservation

The color darkening of selected brushstrokes of the masterpiece "Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte"– 1884 (by Georges Seurat) has been attributed to the alteration of the chromate pigment zinc yellow. The pigment originally displays a bright greenish-yellow color but may undergo, after aging, darkening to a dull, ocher tone. We used XANES to probe the oxidation state of Cr on paint reconstructions, and show that color changes are associated with the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III).

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Zinc-Indium-Tin oxide

In collaboration with Prof. Poeppelmeier from the Department of Chemistry at Northwestern, we are investigating the structural features of this transparent conductive oxide (TCO) using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). The objectives were to describe the average local environments of Zn, In, and Sn by XAS in order to assess the best solid composition to substitute Zn in lieu of In - a relatively rare element - in these TCOs. We showed that the coordination of Zn was central for distinguishing between the crystalline and amorphous forms - Zn being in tetrahedral geometry in bulk amorphous ZITO.

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Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography

We have developed, in collaboration with Northwestern Synchrotron Research Center beam-line scientists, high resolution synchrotron-based X-ray computed microtomography (X-CMT) to identify the morphology of colloidal deposits formed in porous media. We have shown that difference microtomography - whereby a tomographic reconstruction is performed across an absorption edge - provides valuable information on the nature and location of the aggregates formed by the deposition of colloidal particles.

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Iron and Manganese Oxides at Redox Interfaces

Oxic/anoxic interfaces are very important for controlling the fate of metals in natural systems because iron and manganese oxides, that are efficient metal scavengers, are formed at these transitions. We have characterized the morphology and the structure of Fe and Mn hydrous oxides, and their reactivity with respect to metals such as Co and Pb. The role of iron and manganese oxides in the sorption of metals has been studied in details in the laboratory. However, in the natural environment the oxides that form authigenically resemble little those synthesized by inorganic processes. We have used Analytical Electron Microscopy (AEM) to investigate the detailed nature of both iron and manganese oxides in freshwater lakes, and we were the first to report direct evidence, at a microscopic scale, of the scavenging of Co by manganese oxides produced by bacterial species. Correlatively, we showed that different iron oxides form under different natural conditions.

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Early Diagenetic Processes

Earlier research work was aimed at depicting the chemical cycles of elements in aquatic systems and provide quantitative models that could explain the chemical stratification observed in sediments. The study of diagenetic processes, in either the ocean or lakes, is fundamental for understanding and better quantifying the Carbon Cycle. After all, sediments represent a long term sink for C through the burial and preservation of organic matter; a process that controls in part the concentration of atmospheric CO2.


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Jean-François Gaillard
Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University

Current Research Group

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Sara Thomas
PhD student in Environmental Engineering
Research Project: Bacterial biouptake of Mercury (Hg)

Hometown: Barrington, IL
Education: B.S./M.S. in Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University
Interests: Ice Hockey, piano, knitting, embroidery, the outdoors
Favorite quote: "If it ain’t baroque, don’t fix it.”–Johann Sebastian Bach

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Kara Rodby
B.S. student in Environmental Engineering
Research Project: Bacterial biouptake of Mercury (Hg) - Role of the bacterial outer-membrane

Hometown: Chicago, IL
Interests: Running, fitness, rap music, Drake, Real Food at NU
Favorite quote: "I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade, I will be the loudest voice."–Kanye West

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Carolyn Wilke
PhD student in Environmental Engineering (co-adviced with Prof. Kimberly Gray)
Research Project: Chemistry and toxicity of nanosilver and nanotitania in the environment

Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Education: B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University; M.S. in Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology
Interests: Sewing, knitting, running, backpacking, cooking
Favorite quote: "There’s no such thing as creative people and non-creative people. There are only people who use their creativity and people who don’t.” –Brené Brown

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Minwei Xie
PhD student in Environmental Engineering (co-advised with Prof. Aaron Packman)
Research Project: Coupling between porewater fluxes, structural heterogeneity, and biogeochemical processes controls contaminant mobility, bioavailability, and toxicity in sediments

Hometown: Anhui, China
Interests: Fate of metal contaminants in sediments

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Marco Alsina
Postdoctoral Associate
Research Project: Speciation and environmental fate of Zinc and Tin in houesehold products

Hometown: Santiago, Chile
Interests: Natural philosophy, Spirituality
Favorite quote: "It's too late to be ready.” –Dogen 道元禅師


Webb S.M., Gaillard J.-F. (2015) Zinc speciation in contaminated sediments: Quantitative determination of zinc coordination by x-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Aquatic Geochemistry (in press) .

Tong T., Hill A.N., Alsina M.A., Wu J., Shang K.Y., Kelly J.J., Gray K.A., Gaillard J.-F. (2015) Spectroscopic characterization of TiO2 polymorphs in wastewater treatment and sediment samples.
Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2, 12-18.

Thomas S.A., Tong T., Gaillard J.-F. (2014) Hg(II) bacterial biouptake: The role of anthropogenic ligands present in solution and spectroscopic evidence of ligand exchange reactions at the cell surface.
Metallomics, 6, 2213-2222.

Alsina M.A., Zanella L., Hoel C.A., Pizzaro G.E., Gaillard J.-F., Pasten P.A. (2014) Arsenic speciation in sinter mineralization from a hydrothermal channel of El Tatio geothermal field, Chile,
Journal of Hydrology, 518, 424-446.

Binh C.T.T., Tong T.Z., Gaillard J.-F., Gray K.A., Kelly J.J. (2014) Acute Effects of TiO2 Nanomaterials on the Viability and Taxonomic Composition of Aquatic Bacterial Communities Assessed via High-Throughput Screening and Next Generation Sequencing.
PLOS One, 9, e106280.

Tong T.Z., Fang, K., Thomas S.A., Kelly J.J., Gray K.A., Gaillard J.-F. (2014) Chemical Interactions between Nano-ZnO and Nano-TiO2 in a Natural Aqueous Medium.
Environmental Science & Technology, 48, 7924-7932.

Binh C.T.T., Tong T.Z., Gaillard J.-F., Gray K.A., Kelly J.J. (2014) Common Freshwater Bacteria Vary In Their Responses to Short-Term Exposure To Nano-TiO2.
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33, 317-327.

Tong T.Z., Shereef A., Wu J.S., Binh C.T.T., Kelly J.J., Gaillard J.-F., Gray K.A. (2013) Effects of Material Morphology on the Phototoxicity of Nano-TiO2 to Bacteria.
Environmental Science & Technology, 47, 12486-12495.

Tong T.Z., Binh C.T.T., Kelly J.J., Gaillard J.-F., Gray K.A. (2013) Cytotoxicity of commercial nano-TiO2 to Escherichia coli assessed by high-throughput screening: Effects of environmental factors.
Water Research, 47, 2352-2362.

Da Silva-Cadoux C., Zanella L., and J.-F. Gaillard (2012) Selecting reference compounds for determining chemical speciation by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27, 957-965.

Dahl A.L., J. Sanseverino, and J.-F. Gaillard (2011) Bacterial Bioreporter Detects Mercury in the Presence of Excess EDTA.
Environmental Chemistry, 58, 552-560.

Hoel C.A., S. Xie, C. Benmore, C.D. Malliakas, J.-F. Gaillard, and K.R. Poeppelmeier (2011) Evidence for Tetrahedral Zn in Amorphous In_{2-2x} Zn_x Sn_x O_3 (a-ZITO).
Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 637, 885-894.

Zanella L., F. Casadio, K.A. Gray, R. Warta, Q. Ma, and J.-F. Gaillard (2011) The Darkening of Zinc Yellow: XANES Speciation of Chromium in Artist's Paints after Light and Chemical Exposures.
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 26, 1090-1097.

Brumbaugh W.G., Hammerschmidt C.R., Zanella L., Rogevich E., Salata G., and R. Bolek (2011). Interlaboratory comparison of measurements of acid‐volatile sulfide and simultaneously extracted nickel in spiked sediments. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 30(6), 1306–1309

Hoel C.A., J.M. Gallardo Amores, E. Moran, M.A. Alario-Franco, J.-F. Gaillard, and K.R. Poeppelmeier (2010) High-Pressure Synthesis and Local Structure of Corundum-Type In_{2-2x} Zn_x Sn_x O_3 ( x <= 0.7). Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, 16479-16487.

Chen, C., A. I. Packman, D. Zhang, and J.-F. Gaillard (2010) A multi-scale investigation of interfacial transport, pore fluid flow, and fine particle deposition in a sediment bed.
Water Resources Research, W11560.

Hoel C.A., T.O. Mason, J.-F. Gaillard, and Poeppelmeier K.R. (2010) Transparent Conducting Oxides in the ZnO-In2O3-SnO2 System.
Chemistry of Materials, 22, 3569-3579.

Hoel C.A., J.-F. Gaillard, and Poeppelmeier K.R. (2010) Probing the local structure of crystalline ZITO: In{2-2x}SnxZnxO3 (x <= 0.4).
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 183, 761-768.

Chen C., A.I. Packman, and J.-F. Gaillard (2009) Using x-ray microtomography and pore-scale modeling to quantify sediment mixing and fluid flow in a developing streambed.
Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L08403.

Chen C., A.I. Packman, and J.-F. Gaillard (2009). Temporal evolution of pore geometry, fluid flow, and solute transport resulting from colloid deposition. Water Resources Research, 45, W06416.

Petkov,V., Y. Ren, I. Saratovsky, P. Pasten, S. Gurr, M. Hayward, K. Poeppelmeir and J-F. Gaillard (2009), Atomic-scale structure of biogenic materials by total XRD: a study of bacterial and fungal MnO_x.
ACS-Nano, 3(2), 441-445.

Gough, H.L, Dahl A.L, Tribou, E., Noble, P.A., Gaillard, J.-F., Stahl, D.A. (2008), Elevated sulfate reduction in metal-contaminated freshwater lake sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 113, G04037.

Chen, C., Packman A.I., Gaillard, J.-F. (2008) Pore-scale analysis of permeability reduction resulting from colloid deposition.
Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L07404.

Gough, H.L, Dahl A.L, Nolan M.A., Gaillard, J.-F., Stahl, D.A. (2008), Metal impacts on microbial biomass in the anoxic sediments of a contaminated lake.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 113, G02017.

Alsina M., Saratovksy, I., Gaillard J.-F., and Pasten P.A. (2008), Arsenic Speciation in Solid Phases of Geothermal Fields.
Chapter 15 in Adsorption of Metals by Geomedia II: Variables, Mechanisms, and Model Applications, Volume 7, edited by M. O Barnett and D. B. Kent, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, p. 417-440.

Gaillard, J.-F., Chen, C., Stonedahl, S., Lau, B., Keane, D.T., and Packman, A.I. (2007), Imaging of colloidal deposits in granular porous media by x-ray difference micro-tomography.
Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L18404.

Smit, J.P., Kim H.-S., Saratovksy, I., Stark, K.B., Fitzgerald, G., Zajac, G.W., Gaillard, J-F., Poeppelmeier, K.R., Stair, P.C. (2007) A Spectroscopic and Computational Investigation of the Vanadomolybdate Local Structure in the Lyonsite Phase Mg
2.5VMoO8. Inorganic Chemistry, 46, 6556-6564.

Sahai, N., Lee Y.J., Xu H., Ciardelli M., Gaillard J.-F. (2007) Role of Fe(II) and Phosphate in Arsenic Uptake by Coprecipitation.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 3193-3210.

Gaillard J.-F. (2007) Probing Environmental Particles and Colloids with X-Rays. In
Environmental Particles and Colloids: Behaviour, Structure, and Characterisation, Eds. K.J. Wilkinson and J.R. Lead. IUPAC Series on Analytical and Physical Chemistry of Environmental Systems. Wiley, Chichester, 613-666.

Packman A.I., Marion A., Zaramella M., Chen C., Gaillard J-.F., Keane D.T. (2006) Development of layered sediment structure and its effects on pore water transport and hyporheic exchange.
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus, 6, 433-442.

Saratovksy, I., Wightman P.G., Pasten P.A., Gaillard J.-F., Poeppelmeier K.R. (2006) Manganese Oxides: Parallels between Abiotic and Biotic Structures.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128, 11188-11198.

Peltier, E.F., Dahl. A.L., Gaillard, J-F. (2005) Metal Speciation in Anoxic Sediments: When Sulfides can be Construed as Oxides. Environmental Science & Technology, 39, 311-316.

Santschi, P.H., Burd, A.B., Gaillard, J.-F., and Lazarides A.L. (2005) Transport of Materials and Chemicals by Nano-scale Colloids and Micro to Macro-scale Flocs in Marine, Freshwater, and Engineered Systems. In
Flocculation in Natural and Engineered Environmental Systems, Eds I. Droppo, G. Leppard, S. Liss, and J. Milligant, CRC Press, 191-209.

Kim, H.-S., Pasten, P.A., Gaillard, J.-F., Stair, P.C. (2003) Nanocrystalline Todorokite-like Manganese Oxide Produced by Bacterial Catalysis.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 125, 14284-14285.

Webb, S. M., Gaillard, J.-F., Ma L.Q., Tu, C. (2003) XAS Speciation of Arsenic in an Hyperaccumulating Fern.
Environmental Science & Technology, 37, 754-760.

Peltier E.F., Webb, S. M., Gaillard, J.-F. (2003) Zinc and lead sequestration in an impacted wetland system.
Advances in Environmental Research, 8, 103-112.

Taillefert, M., MacGregor B.J., Gaillard J.-F., Lienemann C.-P., Perret D., Stahl D.A. (2002) Evidence for a Dynamic Cycle Between Mn and Co in the Water Column of a Stratified Lake.
Environmental Science & Technology, 36, 468-476.

Taillefert, M., Gaillard, J.-F. (2002) Reactive Transport Modeling of Trace Elements in the Water Column of a Stratified Lake: Iron Cycling and Metal Scavenging.
Journal of Hydrology, 256, 16-34.

Nolan M.A., and Gaillard J.-F. (2002) Probing Zinc Speciation in Contaminated Sediments by Square Wave Voltammetry at a Hg-Ir Microelectrode. In
Environmental Electrochemistry: Analyses of Trace Element Biogeochemistry, Eds M. Taillefert and T. Rozan, ACS Symposium Series No 811, 210-226.

Webb, S.M., Gaillard, J.-F., Jackson. B. E., Stahl D.A. (2001) An EXAFS study of zinc coordination in microbial cells.
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 8, 943-945.

Gaillard, J.-F, Webb, S.M., Quintana J.P.G. (2001) Quick X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Determining Metal Speciation in Environmental Samples.
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 8, 928-930.

Perret D., Gaillard J.-F., Dominik J., Atteia O. (2000) The Diversity of Natural Hydrous Iron Oxides.
Environmental Science & Technology, 34, 3540-3546.

Webb S.M., Leppard G.G., Gaillard J.-F. (2000) Zinc Speciation in a Contaminated Aquatic Environment: Characterization of Environmental Particles by Analytical Electron Microscopy.
Environmental Science & Technology, 34, 1926-1933.

Taillefert M., C.-P. Lienemann, J.-F. Gaillard, and D. Perret (2000) Speciation, Reactivity, and Cycling of Fe and Pb in a Meromictic Lake.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64, 169-183.

Taillefert M. and J.-F. Gaillard (1999) Tentacle Ion Exchange Separation of Pb-NOM in Aquatic Samples.
Environmental Science & Technology, 33, 4107-4111.

Sigman D.M., Altabet M.A., Francois R., McCorkle D.C., Gaillard J.-F. (1999) The isotopic composition of diatom-bound nitrogen in Southern Ocean sediments.
Paleoceanography, 14, 118-134.

Banaszak J.E., S. M. Webb, B. E. Rittmann, J.-F. Gaillard, and D. T. Reed (1999) Fate of Neptunium in an Anaerobic, Methanogenic Microcosm. in
Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, Material Research Society Symposium Proceedings, vol. 556, 1141-1149.

MacGregor B. J., M. Taillefert, J.-F. Gaillard, D. A. Stahl, and C.-P. Lienemann (1998) Molecular Characterization of Microbial Populations in the Water Column of a Stratified Lake (Paul Lake, Michigan) related to chemical zonation.
Mineralogical Magazine, 62A, 933-934.

Rabouille C., J.-F. Gaillard, J.-C. Relexans, P. Tréguer, M.-A. Vincendeau (1998) Recycling of Organic Matter in Antarctic Sediments: A Transect through the Polar Front in the Southern Ocean.
Limnology and Oceanography, 43, 420-432.

Perret D., J.-F. Gaillard, J. Dominik, and O. Atteia (1998) Aquatic Hydrous Oxide Colloids: Evidencing the Ambiguities.
Mineral. Magazine, 62A, 1151-1152.

Taillefert M. and J.-F. Gaillard (1998) The Chemical Speciation of Pb in the Water Column of Paul Lake (MI).
Mineralogical Magazine, 62A, 1490-1491.

Rabouille C., J.-F. Gaillard, P. Tréguer, and M.-A. Vincendeau (1997) Biogenic silica recycling in surficial sediments across the Polar Front of the Southern Ocean (Indian Sector).
Deep-Sea Research II, 44, 1151-1176.

Gaillard J.-F. (1997) ANTARES -1: A Biogeochemical Study of the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean.
Deep-Sea Research II, 44, 951-961.

Lienemann C.-P., M. Taillefert, D. Perret, and J.-F. Gaillard (1997) Association of cobalt and manganese in aquatic systems: chemical and microscopic evidence.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 61, 1437-1446.

Taillefert M., E. Rose, and J.-F. Gaillard (1997). Trace Metal Cycling in a Meromictic Lake: The Influence of Hydrous-Iron Particles and Dissolved Organic Matter. In
Contaminated Soils, Third International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, R. Prost Ed., Les Colloques de l’INRA, 85, 289-302.

Relexans J-C., J. Deming, A. Dinet, J.-F. Gaillard, and M. Sibuet (1996) Sedimentary Organic Matter and Micro-Meiobenthos with Relation to Trophic Conditions in the Tropical North Atlantic,
Deep-Sea Research, 43, 1343-1368.

Van Cappellen P., and Gaillard J.-F. (1996). Biogeochemical dynamics in aquatic sediments.In
Reactive transport in porous media. Litchner P.C., Steefel C. I., and Oelkers E.H. Eds. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Vol 34, 335-376.

Auffret G., T. Richter, J.-L. Reyss, C. Organo, E. Deloule, J.-F. Gaillard, B. Denneilou, C. Muller, B. Thomas, P. Watrenez, F. Grousset, A. Boelaert, P. Cambon, and J. Etoubleau (1996) Record of hydrothermal activity in sediments from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Azores.
Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, 323 (IIa), pp 583-590.

Gaillard, J.-F. (1995). Principes et Processus Chimiques. In
Limnologie Générale. (R. Pourriot and M. Meybeck Eds.), Masson, Paris, 115-156.

Sarazin G., J.-F. Gaillard, L. Philippe, and C. Rabouille (1995). Chemical Diagenesis and Nutrients Fluxes at the Sediment-Water Interface of an Eutrophic Lake.
Hydrobiologia, 315, 95-118.

Gaillard, J.-F. (1994). Early Diagenetic Modeling: A critical need for process studies, kinetics rates, and numerical methods. In
Trends in Chemical Geology, Research Trends, Council of Scientific Information, Trivandrum, India, 239-252.

Rabouille C., and J.-F. Gaillard (1994). Simulation of the Sediment Behavior During a Benthic Chamber Deployment on the Deep-Sea Floor.
Oceanologia Acta, 17, 405-416.

Jahnke R.A., D. B. Craven, and J.-F. Gaillard (1994). The Influence of Organic Matter Diagenesis on CaCO
3 Dissolution at the Deep Sea Floor. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2799-2809.

Gaillard J.-F. (1993). Early Diagenesis in Canadian Shield Lakes.
Chemical Geology, 107, 453-456.

Sarazin G., J.-F. Gaillard, L. Philippe and C. Rabouille (1993). Organic Matter Mineralization and Nutrient Fluxes at the Sediment-Water Interface of a Eutrophic Lake (Aydat Lake, Puy de Dôme, France).
Chemical Geology, 107, 471-476.

Van Cappellen P., J.-F. Gaillard, and C. Rabouille (1993). Biogeochemical Transformations in Sediments: Kinetic Models of Early Diagenesis. In
Interactions of C, N, P, and S Biogeochemical Cycles (R. Wollast, F.T. Mackenzie, & L. Chou, Eds.), Springer Verlag, pp 401-446.

Rabouille C., P. Crassous, A. Kripounoff, J.-F. Gaillard, R. Jahnke, C. Pierre, and J-C. Relexans (1993). A model of Early Diagenesis in the Tropical North Atlantic: Processes and Mass Balances in the Sediments of the EUMELI Program.
Chemical Geology, 107, 463-466.

Rabouille C., J.-F. Gaillard, M. Sibuet, and C. Beaucaire, P. Bonté, P. Crassous, R. Jahnke, A. Khripounoff, F. Legleux, J. Laureillard, L. Méjanelle, C. Pierre, J-C. Relexans, J-L. Reyss (1993) Sediment Geochemistry in the Three EUMELI Sites in the Tropical North-East Atlantic: General Presentation and First Results.
Annales de l’Institut Océanographique, 69 (1), pp 35-42.

Sibuet M., P. Albert, S. Charmasson, J. Deming, A. Dinet, J. Galeron, L. Guidi-Guilvard, M.-L. Mahaud, P. Buat-Ménard, G. Cahet, P. Crassous, J.-F. Gaillard, P. Geistdoerfer, R. A. Jahnke, A. Kripounoff, J. Laureillard, L. Méjanelle, R. Perron, C. Pierre, J.-C. Relexans, G. Rowe, M. Segonzag, A. Vangriesheim (1993) The Benthic Ecosystem in the Three EUMELI Sites in the Northeast Tropical Atlantic: General Perspectives and Initial Results on Biological Abundance and Activities.
Annales de l’Institut Océanographique, 69 (1), pp 21-33.

Auffret G., Geistdoerfer P., Gaillard J.-F., Reyss J-L., Rabouille C., Voisset M., Coutelle A., Muller C., Kerbrat R., Monti S., Ondreas H., Mauviel A. (1992). Preliminary sedimentological and biological assessment of EUMELI project sites.
Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, 314 (II), pp 187-194.

Gaillard, J.-F. and C. Rabouille (1992). Using Monod-Kinetics in Models of Early Diagenesis. In
Deep-Sea Food Chains and the Global Carbon Cycle (ed. G. T. Rowe and V. Pariente), Kluwer Academic, pp 309-324.

Rabouille C., and J.-F. Gaillard (1991). Towards the EDGE: Early Diagenetic Global Explanation. A Model Depicting the Early Diagenesis of Organic Matter, O
2, NO3, Mn and PO4. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 55, Vol 9, pp 2511-2525.

Rabouille C., and J.-F. Gaillard (1991). A Coupled Model Representing the Deep-Sea organic carbon mineralization and oxygen consumption in surficial sediments.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 96,pp 2761-2776.

Rabouille C., and J.-F. Gaillard (1990). The Validity of Steady-State Calculations in Early Diagenesis: A Computer Simulation of Deep-Sea Silica Diagenesis.
Deep-Sea Research, 37, pp 625-646.

Simonin J-P., P. Turq, E. Soualhia, G. Michard, and J.-F. Gaillard (1989). Transport Coupling of Ions: Influence of Ion Pairing and pH-Gradient.
Chemical Geology, 78, pp 346-356.

Gaillard J.-F., H. Pauwels, and G. Michard (1989). Chemical Diagenesis in Coastal Marine Sediments.
Oceanologia Acta, Vol 12, 3, pp175-187.

Simonin J-P., J.-F. Gaillard, P. Turq, and E. Soualhia (1988). Diffusion Coupling in Electrolyte Solutions: I. Transient Effects on a Tracer Ion, Sulfate.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 92, pp 1696-1700.

Gaillard J.-F., G. Sarazin, H. Pauwels, L. Philippe, D. Lavergne, and G. Blake (1987). Interstitial Water and Sediment Chemistries of Aiguebelette Lake (Savoy, France).
Chemical Geology, 63, pp 73-84.

Span D., and J.-F. Gaillard (1986). An Investigation of a Procedure for Determining Carbonate Bound Trace Metals.
Chemical Geology, 56, pp 135-141.

Gaillard J.-F., C. Jeandel, G. Michard, E. Nicolas, and D. Renard (1986). Interstitial Water Chemistry of Villefranche Bay Sediments: Trace Metals Diagenesis.
Marine Chemistry, 18, pp 233-247.

Deloule E., and J.-F. Gaillard (1986). A Computation Method for Drawing Mineral Stability Diagrams on a Microcomputer. In
Microcomputer Applications in Geology, Computer and Geology Vol. 5, (J. T.Hanley and D. F. Merriam Eds.), Pergamon Press, pp 189-198.

Nriagu, J.O., and J.-F. Gaillard (1984). The Speciation of Pollutant Metals in Lakes Near the Smelters at Sudbury, Ontario. In
Environmental Impacts of Smelters., (Ed. J.O.Nriagu), J. Wiley & Sons, pp 349-374.



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