Transportation Systems Analysis and Planning – Core Faculty

Members of the core faculty are nationally recognized authorities in their fields. Collectively they hold significant responsibilities with the major research journals and professional societies in transportation. Each is known for excellence in teaching and research.

Frank S. Koppelman

Professor of Civil Engineering and Transportation,
B.S.C.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959;
M.B.A., Harvard University, 1961;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1975.

Professor  Koppelman's research interests are in the development and application of advanced logit models to the study or urban and intercity travel demand. His current research includes development and refinement of activity based travel models, models of intercity passenger travel behavior and models of air traveler preferences for carriers, schedule and classes.

Joseph L. Schofer

Professor of Civil Engineering and Transportation,
B.E. (Civil Engineering), Yale University, 1963;
M.S. 1965, and Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1968.

Professor Schofer's research interests include urban transportation planning, management and policy making; transportation impact analysis and evaluation; and transportation safety. He is working on empirical studies of factors affecting child pedestrian safety and factors affecting success and failure of HOV facilities.

Athanasios (Thanasis) Ziliaskopoulos

Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Transportation,
B.S. Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, 1984;
MS 1992, and Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin, 1994

Professor Ziliaskopoulos' research interests include network and combinatorial optimization, stochastic and dynamic models for transport systems, online control and optimization.  He is the recipient of the 1998 National Science Foundation CAREER award and member of the Advisory Council of the Transportation Science Section of INFORMS.  He is currently involved in various research efforts ranging from ORNL/FHWA's Dynamic Traffic Assignment model, IDOT's Intermodal Freight Models, U.S. DOT's Real-Time Control of Transport Systems to a pricing project with the Panama Canal Commission. For more information on Dr. Ziliaskopoulos' research and educational activities click this.

Pablo Durango-Cohen

Louis Berger Junior Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
BS, University of Southern California, Industrial and Systems Engineering
MS, University of California, Berkeley, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
PhD, University of California, Berkeley, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Prof. Durango-Cohen's research interests involve applying Operations Research, Economics, and Statistics to problems that arise in the management of civil infrastructure assets. Most recently, He worked on the formulation, analysis and implementation of adaptive models to optimize maintenance and rehabilitation resource allocation decisions under performance model uncertainty. He is also interested in capacity management, statistical performance modeling, and contract analysis and design.


Other faculty active in research and teaching related to transportation include:

·  Ronald Braeutigam Economics: industrial organization, regulation, transportation economics.

·  Mark S. Daskin Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Science and Transportation and Chairman of the Industrial Engineering and Management Science Department: application and development of operations research techniques for the analysis of transportation services, including mathematical models for integrating manufacturing, logistics and distribution.

·  Aaron J. Gellman J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management and Director of The Transportation Center: transportation management and economics, air transportation, technology innovation.

·  Robert S. Gemmell Robert Gemmell, Civil and Environmental Engineering: environmental impacts, water resource planning.

·  Donald Haider J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management: public management, urban finance.

·  Wallace Hopp Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences: stochastic decision processes, optimal planning horizons, operations research applications.

·  Arthur Hurter Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences: location models, economics of the firm, operations research and information system applications.

·  David Simchi-Levi Industrial Engineering and Management Science: vehicle routing and scheduling models.

·  Marvin Manheim In memoriam.

·  Leon Moses Economics: logistics, economics of the firm and transportation economics.

·  Robert Neuschel J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management: management, economic, and regulatory trends in the transportation industry, corporate leadership, strategic planning.

·  John Panzar Economics: industrial organization, regulation, transportation economics.

·  Ian Savage Economics: Transportation economics, privatization, urban mass transit.

·  David Schulz Director, Infrastructure Technology Institute: infrastructure technology and management, urban policy.